Highly important, newly discovered oil sketch by Francois Boucher

BOUCHER, Francois - Les Richesses (Psyche Displaying Her Treasures to Her Sisters). (c.1740-1741). Oil sketch on canvas; stretched onto original wooden frame; size: 240 x 412 mm. Framed.
EUR 25.000,-

Highly important, newly discovered oil sketch by Francois Boucher

Rare 18th century map of Paris

HOMANN, Johann Baptist- Prospect und Grundriss der Weltberühmten Königliche Haupt Stadt Paris samt ihrem Schloß, Universitat und allen herumligenden Vorstadten. Nuremberg, c. 1720. Rare original old-colored engraved map. Size: ca. 62,5 x 54 cm.
EUR 750,-

Rare 18th century map of Paris

Baroque Bible illustrations by a woman artist

Catharina Sperling-Heckel
(Augsburg 1699 - 1741 Augsburg)

315 wash ink drawings for the Old Testament.
Highly important collection of Baroque biblical illustrations by a woman artist.

EUR 95.000,-

Baroque Bible illustrations by a woman artist

Large wall map of North America

ZATTA, Antonio (1757-1797) - "Le Colonie Unite dell' America Settentr. le Ass. Ee. li signori riformatori dello studio di Padova". Venezia, 1778.
EUR 3.700,-

Large wall map of North America

Large map of the Pyrenees

ROUSSEL, Joseph und Francois de la Blottiere - "Carte Generale des Monts Pyrenées et Parie des Royaumes de France et d'Espagne". Paris, 1730.
EUR 2.900,-

Large map of the Pyrenees

Rare first edition of one of the most important maps of Liguria

CHAFRION, Joseph (1653-1698)- "Carta del la Riviera de Genova con sus verdaderos confines y caminos. / Topographia de la Liguria. Dedicada A L'Excellmo Senor Conde de Melgar del Estado de Milan por D. Joseph Chafrion". Milano, Marc Antonio del Re, 1685.
EUR 5.500,-

Rare first edition of one of the most important maps of Liguria

Map of the American continent

VALK, Gerard (1651-1726) - "L'Amérique septentrionale & méridionale divisée en ses principales parties...". Amsterdam, c. 1700. Size: c. 53 x 61 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Map of the American continent

Large map of the Hawaii islands

VANCOUVER, George (1750-1798) - "Carte des Iles Sandwich d'apres la reconnoissance qui en a ete faite dans les differentes relaches de la corvette La Decouverte et de sa conserve Le Chatham commandes par le Capt. Vancouver en 1792, 1793 et 1794". Paris, c. 1797. Size: c. 55 x 79 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Large map of the Hawaii islands

Large map of North America

DELISLE, Guillaume (1675-1726) - "L'Amerique septentrionale". Paris, 1718. Size: c. 54 x 74 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Large map of North America

 ELWE, Jan Barend (active 1777-1815); JAILLOT, Alexis Hubert (1632-1712) - "Mappe Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre & Aquatique suivant les dernieres & meilleures". Amsterdam, 1792. Size: ca. 54 x 63 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Rare large map of Eastern Europe

LOTTER, Tobias Konrad (1717-1777) - "Carte Geographique representant le Theatre de la Guerre entre les Russes, les Turcs..." Augsburg, 1769. Printed on 4 plates. Format: c. 158 x 54 cm.
EUR 1.500,-

Rare large map of Eastern Europe

Rare plan of Sankt Petersburg

Nicolas de Fer (1646-1720) Domenico Trezzini (c.1670-1734); Jean-Baptiste Alexandre le Blond (1679-1719) - "Plan de la Nouvelle Ville de Petersbourg". Paris, 1717. Format: c. 38,5 x 53 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Rare plan of Sankt Petersburg

Rare large map of North America

CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham (1684-1743) - "Carte Tres Curieuse De La Mer Du Sud Contenant Des Remarques Nouvelles Et Tres Utiles....". Amsterdam, 1720.
EUR 9.500,-

Rare large map of North America

Palindrome drawing

France (?), 18th century - (Topsy-turvy drawing). Sheet: 198 x 165 mm; Image: 183 x 157 mm; Pen, ink and grey wash on paper.
EUR 1200,-

Palindrome drawing

Giovanni Antonio Torricelli (1719 - 1811) - Design for a corner of a ceiling painting. Stencil, pen, brown ink, grey and yellow wash; mounted; 246 x 163mm.
EUR 1250,-

Italian School, 18th century - Design for a stage set: An Italian piazza. Sheet: 380 x 490 mm; Image: 337 x 420 mm; lead stencil, pen, black ink and watercolor on paper.
EUR 950,-

Hofmann, G. W. (nach) - „Friedrich des Zweiten Ankunft im Elysium“. Wasserfarbe und Tusche. Größe: ca. 56 x 42cm. (Deutschland), ca. 1800.
EUR 450,-

French school, 18th century - Design for an illusionistic ceiling painting. Pen, black ink with watercolor; 298 x 243 mm.
EUR 1200,-

View of Lausanne. Watercolor and ink over pencil drawing. (Switzerland), c. 1780. Not signed.
EUR 700,-

Mauro Antonio Tesi (1730 - 1766) - Design for a corner of a ceiling painting. Pen, brown ink and brown wash on paper; mounted; 196 x 258mm.
EUR 1400,-

Ferdinand Runk (1764-1834) - Stift Ossiach. Um 1795. Maße: 264 x 409 mm. Sehr seltene Gouache von Ferdinand Runk, gleichzeitig die Vorzeichnung zu der von Johann Andreas Ziegler (1749-1802) gestochenen Aquatinta aus der Serie „Vues de différens Bourgs Villages et Villes de Autriche sup. Et. Inf., de Stirie, de Carintie.“
EUR 4.500,-

Mauro Antonio Tesi (1730 - 1766) - Design for a corner of a ceiling painting with two putti. Pen, brown ink and watercolor; mounted; 222 x 221mm.
EUR 1400,-

GRÄNICHER, Samuel (1758-1813) - ("Paysan du Canton Lucerne"). Switzerland, ca. 1781. Size: 180 x 127mm. Ink and watercolor on paper.
EUR 1250,-

GRÄNICHER, Samuel (1758-1813) - ("Laitiere des environs de Berne") Switzerland, ca. 1781. Size: 178 x 125mm. Ink and watercolor on paper.
EUR 1250,-

GRÄNICHER, Samuel (1758-1813) - Portrait of a young nobleman. Stencil and watercolor drawing. c. 1800.
EUR 950,-

Bronze statue of a faun and a nymph

CLODION, Claude Michel (1738-1814) - Faun or satyr and a nymph. Bronze sculpture with marble pedestal. 18th century.
EUR 1.900,-

Bronze statue of a faun and a nymph
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