
Portraitgalerie aus der Zeit der Reformation
Portraitsammlung reformierter Theologen, Gelehrter und Wissenschaftler. Deutschland (?), um 1600-1640. Leder-Einband des 18. Jh.; 8vo [162 x 94 mm]. Mit 70 (47 farbigen) handgemalten Portraits in ornamentalem Schmuckrahmen (Gouache und Feder).
EUR 9500,-
Important manuscript notes of Giulio Pace’s lectures on Civil Law
PACE DE BERIGA, Giulio (1550-1635) - „Iulii Pacii a Beriga in institutiones iuris civilis erotemata. Monspelii, 1614 / Procemium“. Montpellier, 1614. Original handwritten lecture notes of a student of Giulio Pace's at the University in Montpellier. Contemporary velour leather binding [19,5 x 14,2cm], 297, (17) pp. Latin manuscript in brown ink.
EUR 4500,-
Important manuscript of Vauban’s last work
VAUBAN, Sebastien le Pretre deTraité de la Deffence des Places Par Feu le Marechal de Vauban. (France), 1706. 410 pages. With 8 folded manuscript plans.
Extremely rare contemporary manuscript of Vauban's last work. Our manuscript is believed to be an early text version of Vauban's last work, and enables further scholarly research into the history of the text.
EUR 4.500,-
Astronomical and astrological manuscript
French manuscript - "Discrection (Description?) de la Sphere et des Globes" (France), 1721. 15 leaves [ca. 31 x 22 cm].
EUR 2.500,-
Baroque Bible illustrations by a woman artist
Catharina Sperling-Heckel
(Augsburg 1699 - 1741 Augsburg)
315 wash ink drawings for the Old Testament.
Highly important collection of Baroque biblical illustrations by a woman artist.
EUR 95.000,-
Very rare surgical manuscript lecture notes after doctor J. B. A. Andouille’s demonstrations.
ANDOUILLE, Jean Baptiste Antoine (1690-1744) - "Principe de Chirurgie qui se demontrent par dem-ande et par Reponce fais par monsieur Antoine Andoulle metre chirurgien juré et ancien prevot de sa Compaignie et demonstrateur Royal de St. Come". Paris, 1735. Leather binding [ca. 22 x 17 cm], inside covers with marble paper. French manuscript in red and brown ink. 3 blank leaves, half-title, 367 numbered pages, (2) pp.
EUR 1200,-
18th century scientific watercolor drawings of butterflies and insects
Müller, Johann Jacob (1743 - nach 1802)) - 595 aquarellierte Federzeichnungen von Schmetterlingen, deren Raupen und anderen Insekten auf 92 Blatt. Hanau, c.1778-1780
Original Vorzeichnungen zu Bergsträßers Nomenclatur und Beschreibung der Insecten in der Grafschaft Hanau-Münzenberg und J.L. Christ's Hymenoptera.
EUR 45.000,-
Bedeutendes Tübinger Stammbuch aus dem Umkreis von Hölderlin und Schiller
Evangelisches Stift Tübingen. - Stammbuch von J.Ja. Jusserand. Tübingen, Birstein, Offenbach, Stuttgart und Strassburg, 1784-1788. Qu-8vo. Goldgeprägter Leder-Einband der Zeit mit Rückenschild. 366 num. Seiten. Mit 87 Einträgen von Studienkollegen und Lehrern sowie 18 handgemalten Silhouetten.
EUR 2.900,-
English Grand Tour manuscript diary from the 18th century
Grand Tour Diary. 2 volumes. Manuscript. 1785-1795. Manuscript in brown ink on laid paper, [125] + [137] leaves with together 332 written pages, unfoliated, mainly 30 lines to the page, contemporary vellum, remains of ties, folio (33 x 20.2 cm).
EUR 4.500,-
Important architectural drawing album
MOOSBRUGGER, August Leopold (1802-1858) - Skizzenbuch mit über 200 Architektur-Zeichnungen von Häusern und Villen in Italien. Italien, 1816-21. Italien, 1816-1821. Gr.-8to.
EUR 7.500,- .
Folio manuscript world atlas by a young lady
CROUZET, Hortense - Atlas Géographique composé de 11 Cartes. Dessiné par Mlle. Hortense Crouzet eleve de l'Institution de Mlle Roullet pour le concours des prix de l'année 1824. France, 1824. Manuscript Title, 11 folded manuscript maps with outline color. 365 x 245 mm.
EUR 1200,-
Seltene Handschrift zum Forstwesen
COTTA, Johann Heinrich (1763-1844) "Forstschutz vorgetragen im Winter 1827-1828 von Herrn Oberforstrath Cotta". Tharandt, 1828. Sehr seltene Mitschrift einer Vorlesung von Johann Heinrich Cotta aus dem Jahre 1827-28.
EUR 850,-
Manuscript collection of botanical drawings on the mushrooms in France
159 anonymous watercolor drawings from c. 1830, mostly after works by Jean Baptiste Francois Bulliard - "Herbier de la France" (1780-1793) and "Histoire des champignons de la France" (1791).
EUR 4.500,-
Manuscript collection of drawings of various mosses and lichens.
26 anonymous watercolor drawings from c. 1830, probably made for a manuscript herbarium.
EUR 1250,-
Early drawing album of Algeria
Deitte, Alphonse (1806-1856) - Album with 18 original drawings of views in Algeria. Made during the French colonisation in the 1840's. Algeria, 1840's.
Very rare and important drawing album from the early colonisation years of Algeria.
EUR 2.700,-
Extensive collection of drawings of the architectural elements of the Chartres Cathedral
„Cathedrale de Chartres“. 2 volumes with a total of 61 drawings. France, 1840s.
EUR 2.850,-
James Lloyd – Algues de l’Ouest de la France
James Lloyd (1810-1896) - Algues de l'Ouest de la France. 1847-1894.
EUR 15.000,-
Beautiful hand-drawn illustrations corresponding to each letter in the alphabet
Max Freiherr von Berchem "Initialen-Bilder". (1852-1863). Twenty-seven richly decorated drawings illustrating animals, plants and concepts related to the natural world, whose initials correspond to the respective letters in the alphabet.
EUR 2.200,-
Highly important collection of fossil drawings from the specimens in Abdullah Bey’s collection of fossils
BERAL, Eloi; Abdullah Bey - Collection of 3 manuscripts with over 600 watercolor and ink drawings of Devonian fossils in the Bosporus Strait. Istanbul, 1869.
EUR 6.500,-
Highly important early manuscript with drawings of unidentified fossils from the Bosporus Strait
Abdullah Bey (Karl Eduard Hammerschmidt) (1800-1874) (attr.) Collection of over 100 watercolor drawings of fossils from the Bosporus Strait. Turkey, ca. 1870.
EUR 6.500,-
Exceptional collection of 48 colourful designs for French theater costumes by Alfred Grévin
GREVIN Alfred - 5 inscribed envelopes with together 48 fullpage watercolour designs for 5 operettas. Paris, 1875-1880. Small folio
EUR 7.500,-
Newly discovered unpublished ornithological drawings for Albert Marchand’s Les poussins des oiseaux d’Europe
MARCHAND, Albert - 26 original watercolor drawings. France, n.d. (c.1878-1880) 26 loose sheets. (sheets: 280 x 192 mm) (images: c. 110 x 80 mm)
EUR 4500,-
Correspondence between Claude-Henri Gorceix and Don Pedro II of Brazil
GORCEIX, Claude-Henri (1842-1919); Don Pedro II of Brazil (1825-1891) Twenty-one letters with a total of 125 pages. Ouro Preto; Paris: 1887-1890.
EUR 2.900,-
Important manuscript of a safari in British Somaliland in 1896
LEATHAM, Albert Edward - Somaliland. 1896. Large 8to (23 x 21 cm). Full blue Morocco gilt and gilt lettering to spine. 165 handwritten pages, 27 plates with 108 mounted original photographs.
EUR 6.500,-
Art Nouveau children’s book manuscript
BRUCH, Hans und Margarete - Märchenritt! Wer kommt mit? (Germany, 1912). Large-Folio [440 x 364 mm] 16 pages. With numerous watercolor drawings.
EUR 1500,- .