

Portraitgalerie aus der Zeit der Reformation

Portraitsammlung reformierter Theologen, Gelehrter und Wissenschaftler. Deutschland (?), um 1600-1640. Leder-Einband des 18. Jh.; 8vo [162 x 94 mm]. Mit 70 (47 farbigen) handgemalten Portraits in ornamentalem Schmuckrahmen (Gouache und Feder).
EUR 9500,-

Manuscript ledger for Saint-Montan

BANNE DE BOISSY, Claude de - 16th-17th century manuscript ledger for Saint-Montan (Ardèche, France), 1610-1612. . Handwritten, contemporary vellum binding. French manuscript in brown ink on laid paper.
EUR 850,-

Important manuscript notes of Giulio Pace’s lectures on Civil Law

PACE DE BERIGA, Giulio (1550-1635) - „Iulii Pacii a Beriga in institutiones iuris civilis erotemata. Monspelii, 1614 / Procemium“. Montpellier, 1614. Original handwritten lecture notes of a student of Giulio Pace's at the University in Montpellier. Contemporary velour leather binding [19,5 x 14,2cm], 297, (17) pp. Latin manuscript in brown ink.
EUR 4500,-

Important manuscript of Vauban’s last work

VAUBAN, Sebastien le Pretre deTraité de la Deffence des Places Par Feu le Marechal de Vauban. (France), 1706. 410 pages. With 8 folded manuscript plans.
Extremely rare contemporary manuscript of Vauban's last work. Our manuscript is believed to be an early text version of Vauban's last work, and enables further scholarly research into the history of the text.
EUR 4.500,-

Armorial Manuscript – Royal European families

„Blason et Armories des maisons souveraines & familles Illustres de l'Europe Commencant par celle de l'Auguste maison d'Austriche". 28 September 1758. Armorial manuscript with the coats of arms of Royal European families. In-folio [ca. 31 x 20 cm].
EUR 4.500,-

18th century scientific watercolor drawings of butterflies and insects

Müller, Johann Jacob (1743 - nach 1802)) - 595 aquarellierte Federzeichnungen von Schmetterlingen, deren Raupen und anderen Insekten auf 92 Blatt. Hanau, c.1778-1780
Original Vorzeichnungen zu Bergsträßers Nomenclatur und Beschreibung der Insecten in der Grafschaft Hanau-Münzenberg und J.L. Christ's Hymenoptera.
EUR 45.000,-

Important architectural drawing album

MOOSBRUGGER, August Leopold (1802-1858) - Skizzenbuch mit über 200 Architektur-Zeichnungen von Häusern und Villen in Italien. Italien, 1816-21. Italien, 1816-1821. Gr.-8to.
EUR 7.500,- .

Folio manuscript world atlas by a young lady

CROUZET, Hortense - Atlas Géographique composé de 11 Cartes. Dessiné par Mlle. Hortense Crouzet eleve de l'Institution de Mlle Roullet pour le concours des prix de l'année 1824. France, 1824. Manuscript Title, 11 folded manuscript maps with outline color. 365 x 245 mm.
EUR 1200,-

Early drawing album of Algeria

Deitte, Alphonse (1806-1856) - Album with 18 original drawings of views in Algeria. Made during the French colonisation in the 1840's. Algeria, 1840's.
Very rare and important drawing album from the early colonisation years of Algeria.
EUR 2.700,-

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