Napoleon Caricatures

Second copy known
ROBERTS, Piercy (publisher) - John Bull receiving the Manifesto. London, Roberts, n.d. (c. 1803)
EUR 1500,-
Only copy known
ANONYMOUS - (Optical print of Napoleon as the devil). (France?) n.d. (c. 1814)
EUR 700,-
Only copy known
ANONYMOUS - Spanier: Befehlen Sie Spanisch=Bitter? Kosack: Befehlen Sie russisches Eis? Antwort: Nein, nein! das eine ist mir zu kalt, das andere macht mir zu heiss. (France?), n.d. (c. 1814)
EUR 400,-
Original watercolor drawing
KREILING, Joseph (after anonymous) - Wahre Abbildung des Eroberers Napoleon. Germany, n.d. (c. 1814) Signed.
EUR 850,-