
Beautiful old colored map of the East Indies
MERCATOR, Gerhard (1512-1594) - "Insulae Indiae Orientalis Praecipuae in quibus Moluccae celeberrimae sunt". Amsterdam, Hondius, c. 1606. Approx. 37,5 x 50 cm.
EUR 2.700,-
Old colored map of Virginia and Florida
MERCATOR, Gerhard (1512-1594) - "Virginiae Item et Floridae America Provinciarum, nova Descriptio". Amsterdam, Hondius, c. 1606. Approx. 34,5 x 50 cm.
EUR 1.900,-
Rare large map of North America by Nicolas Sanson
SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, Nicolas (1600-1667) - "Amerique Septentrionale". Paris, Mariette, 1650.
EUR 2.700,-
Map of the American continent
VALK, Gerard (1651-1726) - "L'Amérique septentrionale & méridionale divisée en ses principales parties...". Amsterdam, c. 1700. Size: c. 53 x 61 cm.
EUR 1.800,-
First state of Guillaume Delisle’s important map of Louisiana
DELISLE, Guillaume (1675-1726) - "Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi". Paris, 1718. Size: c. 54 x 74 cm.
EUR 5.500,-
Large map of North America
DELISLE, Guillaume (1675-1726) - "L'Amerique septentrionale". Paris, 1718. Size: c. 54 x 74 cm.
EUR 1.800,-
Rare large map of North America
CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham (1684-1743) - "Carte Tres Curieuse De La Mer Du Sud Contenant Des Remarques Nouvelles Et Tres Utiles....". Amsterdam, 1720.
EUR 9.500,-
One world map and 4 maps of continents, handcolored and engraved by Georg Christoph Kilian
KILIAN, Georg Christoph - Set of 5 handcolored engraved maps - one world map and 4 continental maps (1759).
EUR 1550,-
Large wall map of North America
ZATTA, Antonio (1757-1797) - "Le Colonie Unite dell' America Settentr. le Ass. Ee. li signori riformatori dello studio di Padova". Venezia, 1778.
EUR 3.700,-
Large map of the Hawaii islands
VANCOUVER, George (1750-1798) - "Carte des Iles Sandwich d'apres la reconnoissance qui en a ete faite dans les differentes relaches de la corvette La Decouverte et de sa conserve Le Chatham commandes par le Capt. Vancouver en 1792, 1793 et 1794". Paris, c. 1797. Size: c. 55 x 79 cm.
EUR 1.800,-
Very rare 1st edition of Golovnin’s second circumnavigation
GOLOVNIN, Vasily Mikhailovich (1776-1831) - Puteshestvie vokrug svieta po povelieniiu Gosudaria imperatora sovershennoe, na voennom shliupie Kamchatkie, v 1817, 1818 i 1819 godakh, flota kapitanom Golovninym [Voyage around the world by order of His Majesty, the Emperor, on naval sloop Kamchatka in 1817, 1818, and 1819, by Fleet Captain Golovnin] Two volumes. First Edition. Sankt Petersburg, 1822.
EUR 85.000,-
Folio manuscript world atlas by a young lady
CROUZET, Hortense - Atlas Géographique composé de 11 Cartes. Dessiné par Mlle. Hortense Crouzet eleve de l'Institution de Mlle Roullet pour le concours des prix de l'année 1824. France, 1824. Manuscript Title, 11 folded manuscript maps with outline color. 365 x 245 mm.
EUR 1200,-