Startseite/Bestand/Books/Kultur- u. Sittengeschichte

A very important collection of original designs and photographs from the beginning of the French automotive industry

Carrosserie Mühlbacher Paris - 6 albums with 214 original model drawings and 203 photos of automobiles. (c.1890-1905). An exceptional, very important collection of unique designs, model drawings and photographs of automobiles by one of the most famous French coachbuilders of the late 19th – early 20th century.
EUR 35.000,-

A very important collection of original designs and photographs from the beginning of the French automotive industry

Bedeutendes Tübinger Stammbuch aus dem Umkreis von Hölderlin und Schiller

Evangelisches Stift Tübingen. - Stammbuch von J.Ja. Jusserand. Tübingen, Birstein, Offenbach, Stuttgart und Strassburg, 1784-1788. Qu-8vo. Goldgeprägter Leder-Einband der Zeit mit Rückenschild. 366 num. Seiten. Mit 87 Einträgen von Studienkollegen und Lehrern sowie 18 handgemalten Silhouetten.
EUR 2.900,-

Bedeutendes Tübinger Stammbuch aus dem Umkreis von Hölderlin und Schiller

Very rare surgical manuscript lecture notes after doctor J. B. A. Andouille’s demonstrations.

ANDOUILLE, Jean Baptiste Antoine (1690-1744) - "Principe de Chirurgie qui se demontrent par dem-ande et par Reponce fais par monsieur Antoine Andoulle metre chirurgien juré et ancien prevot de sa Compaignie et demonstrateur Royal de St. Come". Paris, 1735. Leather binding [ca. 22 x 17 cm], inside covers with marble paper. French manuscript in red and brown ink. 3 blank leaves, half-title, 367 numbered pages, (2) pp.
EUR 1200,-

Very rare surgical manuscript lecture notes after doctor J. B. A. Andouille’s demonstrations.

Important manuscript notes of Giulio Pace’s lectures on Civil Law

PACE DE BERIGA, Giulio (1550-1635) - „Iulii Pacii a Beriga in institutiones iuris civilis erotemata. Monspelii, 1614 / Procemium“. Montpellier, 1614. Original handwritten lecture notes of a student of Giulio Pace's at the University in Montpellier. Contemporary velour leather binding [19,5 x 14,2cm], 297, (17) pp. Latin manuscript in brown ink.
EUR 4500,-

Important manuscript notes of Giulio Pace’s lectures on Civil Law

English Grand Tour manuscript diary from the 18th century

Grand Tour Diary. 2 volumes. Manuscript. 1785-1795. Manuscript in brown ink on laid paper, [125] + [137] leaves with together 332 written pages, unfoliated, mainly 30 lines to the page, contemporary vellum, remains of ties, folio (33 x 20.2 cm).
EUR 4.500,-

English Grand Tour manuscript diary from the 18th century

Portraitgalerie aus der Zeit der Reformation

Portraitsammlung reformierter Theologen, Gelehrter und Wissenschaftler. Deutschland (?), um 1600-1640. Leder-Einband des 18. Jh.; 8vo [162 x 94 mm]. Mit 70 (47 farbigen) handgemalten Portraits in ornamentalem Schmuckrahmen (Gouache und Feder).
EUR 9500,-

Portraitgalerie aus der Zeit der Reformation

The anti-Islamic writings of Denis the Carthusian

Denis the Carthusian - Contra Alchoranum & sectam Machometicam libri quinque. Cologne, Peter Quentel, 1533. 8vo [153 x 99 mm] 18th century morocco with gilt floral ornaments on spine, gilt border on both covers, inside dentelles, all edges gilt. (16), 628, (i.e. 626), (2) pp.

EUR 2.500,-

The anti-Islamic writings of Denis the Carthusian

Testimony of the customs of early 15th century France

Boutillier, Jean - La grant somme rural. Paris, (Pierre Sergent) and Denis Janot, 1538. Very rare edition of Boutillier's important collection of legislative customs and customs in use in the north of the kingdom of France.

EUR 2900,-

Testimony of the customs of early 15th century France

First Latin edition of the Ship of Fools

Brant, Sebastian and Jacobus Locher - Stultifera Navis.Basel, Johann Bergmann von Olpe, 1st March 1497. 18th century calf. With 117 large woodcut illustrations by Albrecht Dürer and others. -- FIRST LATIN EDITION.

EUR 35.000,-

First Latin edition of the Ship of Fools
  • titel

Rare Incunabula-Sammelband including Trithemius‘ important De laude scriptorum

Valuable collection of 7 incunabula. - De laude scriptorum pulcherimus tractatus. Mainz, Peter von Friedberg, 1494. - Bound with: Aphorismi compunctionis theologicales. Strasbourg, Johann Gruninger, 1497. - Bound with: Tractatus contra vicia. Strasbourg, Georg Husner, 1498. - Bound with: De operatione divini amoris. Mainz, Peter von Friedberg, after 27th August 1497. - Bound with: Fraternitas Rosaceae Coronae. Köln, Johann Landen, c. 1500. - Bound with: Sermo synodalis. Köln, Johann Landen, after 9th March 1500. - Bound with: Oratio mordacissima. Strasbourg, Johann Gruninger, c. 1500.

EUR 48.000,-

Rare Incunabula-Sammelband including Trithemius‘ important De laude scriptorum

Rare illustrated edition of a best-selling 15th century Incunable

D'AUVERGNE, Guillaume - Postilla guillermi super Epistolas et Evangelia de tempore et sanctis Et pro desufunctis. Augusta, Johannem Schensperger, 1494. 17th century vellum binding [205x155cm]. With Latin text on 2 columns, written in Gothic characters. With a large woodcut showing the scene of the crucifixion on the title page, 53 further text woodcuts. 162 unnumbered leaves.

EUR 9500,-

Rare illustrated edition of a best-selling 15th century Incunable

First German book on snuff tobacco

PRADE, Jean le Royer de - Tabacks-Historie, in welcher insonderheit vom Schnup-Taback eine außführliche Beschreibung/ als von desselben Zielung/ Zubereitung/ auch Würckungen ; und welcher Gestalt/ absonderlich der Schnup-Taback auß demselbigen möge bereitet werden ... / In französischer Sprache beschrieben durch Mons. de Prade. Ins Teutsche übersezzet von G. K. M. D. Frankfurt am Main, Daniel Paulli / Johann Georg Drullmann, 1684. Halbleinen um 1900; Schmal-8vo, 120 Seiten, 10 Bll
EUR 950,-

First German book on snuff tobacco

Photo album of prize-winning stud horses

SCHNAEBELI, Heinrich - Album berühmter Deckhengste. Berlin, Schnaebeli, c. 1895. Oblong 4to [340 x 250 mm]. 22 original albumen prints, c. 155 x 210 mm. Mounted on original boards. Original richly decorated cloth.
EUR 1500,-

Photo album of prize-winning stud horses

„The central work of the entire history of music“ (Leonard Bernstein)

WAGNER, Richard - Tristan und Isolde. Vollständiger Klavierauszug von Hans von Bülow. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, (1860). Contemporary cloth with blind embossed ornaments on both covers and gilt title on front cover and spine. folio (330 x 275 mm). Title, 250 pages. Engraved throughout. Plate number 9942, priced "10. Thlr." on title.
First edition of the piano vocal score.
EUR 2500,-

„The central work of the entire history of music“ (Leonard Bernstein)

Grotesque caricatures of dwarfs inspired by Jacques Callot

Il Callotto Resuscitato, oder, Neu eingerichtes Zwerchen Cabinet [...]. Amsterdam, Wilhelm Engelbert Koning, 1716. Three parts. With Engraved title, two page engraved list of plates and 69 engraved plates. Contemporary full vellum.
EUR 4.500,-

Grotesque caricatures of dwarfs inspired by Jacques Callot
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