Boutillier, Jean – La grant somme rural.
Paris, (Pierre Sergent) and Denis Janot, 1538.
19th century blind embossed leather binding. [211 x 170 mm]. (12), 196; (4), 75, (1) leaves. With 2 title-woodcuts, 2 whole-page printer-mark woodcuts, 1 whole-page woodcut with a genealogical tree, 1 whole-page woodcut diagram and many woodcut-initials.
Very rare edition of Boutillier’s important collection of legislative customs and customs in use in the north of the kingdom of France. This book, first published in manuscript form, was printed for the first time in Bruges in 1479, then translated into Dutch and printed in that language in Delft in 1483.
In this work, Jean Boutillier highlights the legal spirit of the 14th century which confused the maxims of Roman law and feudal law.
He meticulously assembled all the judgments handed down over twenty-two years by the parliament on the bailiwicks of Vermandois and Tournai, the last dating from 1407 and 1417.
The Somme rural is also a testimony to the customs of the early 15th century.
Condition: In very good and complete condition. The index leaves of the first part are misbound; the nice binding is slightly rubbed at edges. – A very good copy!
Bibl.: USTC 54081; Arlima 1220; Renouard, ICP, V, 746; BP16 108755.
Literature: Stephen Rawles – Denis Janot (fl. 1529-1544), Parisian Printer and Bookseller. A Bibliography. Leiden, Brill, 2018; A. Paillard de Saint-Aiglan – Notice sur Jean Boutillier, auteur de la Somme rurale. Bibliothèque de l’École des chartes, 2e s., 4, 1848, pages 89-143; Guido Van Dievoet – Jehan Boutillier en de „Somme rurale“. Leuven, Leuvense Universitaire Uitgaven, 1951. 296 pages.
EUR 2900,-