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Rare map of the Philippines

Petrus Bertius (1565-1629) - "Philippinae Insulae". Amsterdam, Hondius, 1618.
EUR 1.500,-

Rare map of the Philippines

Rare series – Twelve Months of the Year

 Isaac Briot (1585-1670) - Die zwölf Monate / The Twelve Months of the Year. Paris, Thomas de Leu, 1610. 12 copper engravings.
EUR 1.800,-

Rare series – Twelve Months of the Year

Beautiful old colored map of the East Indies

MERCATOR, Gerhard (1512-1594) - "Insulae Indiae Orientalis Praecipuae in quibus Moluccae celeberrimae sunt". Amsterdam, Hondius, c. 1606. Approx. 37,5 x 50 cm.
EUR 2.700,-

Beautiful old colored map of the East Indies

Old colored map of Southeast Asia

MERCATOR, Gerhard (1512-1594) - "India Orientalis". Amsterdam, Hondius, c. 1606. Approx. 36 x 49 cm.
EUR 1.900,-

Old colored map of Southeast Asia

Old colored map of Virginia and Florida

MERCATOR, Gerhard (1512-1594) - "Virginiae Item et Floridae America Provinciarum, nova Descriptio". Amsterdam, Hondius, c. 1606. Approx. 34,5 x 50 cm.
EUR 1.900,-

Old colored map of Virginia and Florida

Large wall map of North America

ZATTA, Antonio (1757-1797) - "Le Colonie Unite dell' America Settentr. le Ass. Ee. li signori riformatori dello studio di Padova". Venezia, 1778.
EUR 3.700,-

Large wall map of North America

Large map of the Pyrenees

ROUSSEL, Joseph und Francois de la Blottiere - "Carte Generale des Monts Pyrenées et Parie des Royaumes de France et d'Espagne". Paris, 1730.
EUR 2.900,-

Large map of the Pyrenees

Rare first edition of one of the most important maps of Liguria

CHAFRION, Joseph (1653-1698)- "Carta del la Riviera de Genova con sus verdaderos confines y caminos. / Topographia de la Liguria. Dedicada A L'Excellmo Senor Conde de Melgar del Estado de Milan por D. Joseph Chafrion". Milano, Marc Antonio del Re, 1685.
EUR 5.500,-

Rare first edition of one of the most important maps of Liguria

Map of the American continent

VALK, Gerard (1651-1726) - "L'Amérique septentrionale & méridionale divisée en ses principales parties...". Amsterdam, c. 1700. Size: c. 53 x 61 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Map of the American continent

Large map of the Hawaii islands

VANCOUVER, George (1750-1798) - "Carte des Iles Sandwich d'apres la reconnoissance qui en a ete faite dans les differentes relaches de la corvette La Decouverte et de sa conserve Le Chatham commandes par le Capt. Vancouver en 1792, 1793 et 1794". Paris, c. 1797. Size: c. 55 x 79 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Large map of the Hawaii islands

Large map of North America

DELISLE, Guillaume (1675-1726) - "L'Amerique septentrionale". Paris, 1718. Size: c. 54 x 74 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Large map of North America

 ELWE, Jan Barend (active 1777-1815); JAILLOT, Alexis Hubert (1632-1712) - "Mappe Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre & Aquatique suivant les dernieres & meilleures". Amsterdam, 1792. Size: ca. 54 x 63 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Rare large map of Eastern Europe

LOTTER, Tobias Konrad (1717-1777) - "Carte Geographique representant le Theatre de la Guerre entre les Russes, les Turcs..." Augsburg, 1769. Printed on 4 plates. Format: c. 158 x 54 cm.
EUR 1.500,-

Rare large map of Eastern Europe

Rare plan of Sankt Petersburg

Nicolas de Fer (1646-1720) Domenico Trezzini (c.1670-1734); Jean-Baptiste Alexandre le Blond (1679-1719) - "Plan de la Nouvelle Ville de Petersbourg". Paris, 1717. Format: c. 38,5 x 53 cm.
EUR 1.800,-

Rare plan of Sankt Petersburg

Rare large map of North America

CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham (1684-1743) - "Carte Tres Curieuse De La Mer Du Sud Contenant Des Remarques Nouvelles Et Tres Utiles....". Amsterdam, 1720.
EUR 9.500,-

Rare large map of North America

Decorative, highly sought-after rare map of the island of Corfu

SEUTTER, Matthäus - "Nova et exactissima Geographica Delineatio Insulae Corfu seu Corsulae, tanquam..." Augsburg, Seutter. 1741. Platten-Masse ca. 50 x 58 cm. Blatt-Masse ca. 54,5 x 61 cm.
EUR 1250,-

Decorative, highly sought-after rare map of the island of Corfu
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