MUSSARD, Pierre Historia deorum fatidicorum, vatum, sibyllarum, phoebadum, apud priscos illustrium; cum corum iconibus. Praeposita est dissertatio de divinatione et oraculis. Cologny near Geneva, Pierre Chouet, 1675. Contemporary half-leather. 4to, (8), 249 (recte 239), (5) pages, with engraved title-vignette and 50 full-page engravings. bound with: DE FATO DISSERTATIO Ad Iusti Lipsii lib. I Polit. cap. 4. Jena, Mueller, 1689. (16) pages

First edition of this rare treatise on greek mythology in which the author argues that the Roman Catholic practices are based on ancient pagan doctrines. He also gives an introduction on second sight and oracle. The book includes fifty engravings showing portraits of gods and hermetic writers including Apollo, Jupiter, Pythagoras, Hermes Trismegistus, Serapis, Proteus, Apollonius of Tyana, Iamblichus, and the sibyls.

Biblioteca Magica Casanatense, 608. Cioranescu 50793. Dorbon 3214. – for the 1680 edition: STC M 1662. Rosenthal 1415. Caillet 5191.

Bound with a rare anonymous treatise on fate in astrology, Stoicism and Christianism.
