Cometa Apparsa In Roma L’Anno MDCLXXX. Nel Segno Di Vergine Di Gradi XIII. : Vero Disegno Dell’Ovo Prodigioso Nato In Roma Alli II Di Decembre Del Presente Anno MDCLXXX. Nel Quale Continua A Comparire La Cometa Nella Forma Gia Stampata // Wahrhafftige Relation des Comet-Sterns/ Der in diesen 1680. Jahr/ in den Zeichen der Jungfrau zu Rom ist gesehen worden : Ist anjetzo nach den Welschen Original ins Teutsche verfertigter zu finden. Regensburg, Abraham Cosathe, 1680. Broadsheet. With copper engraving.

Sheet: 384 x 278mm; mounted on paper; old folds, with small paper losses.

Very rare astronomical broadside. The engraving shows the comet and an egg which was presumably laid by a hen before the comet appeared, depicting the comet’s declination. The copper engraving of different version shows, in addition, the hen and bears two lines of text. VD17 lists only 1 copy of the other version in Munich.

Bibliography: c.f.: VD17 12:629381S
