Kurtze und Mechanische Beschreibung Dieses Kunst-Auges : So nach den Gebäu Eines Natürlichen Menschen-Auges Wie dasselbe bey der Zergliederung eines durch den Strang erwürgten Menschen-Cörpers Von den damahligen Demonstratore Herrn Dr. Daniel Bscherer/ Und Anatomico Herrn Dr. Johann Georg Volkamer/ In Nürnberg offentlich vorgestellet/ Durch Anleitung des Herrn Demonstratoris Von Stephan Zicken/ Kunst-Drechßlern in Nürnberg In diese Form Wie aus beygefügten Kupfer zuersehen gebracht worden ; Denen Curiosis damit zu dienen. Nürnberg, Christian Sigmund Froberg, (circa 1700). 4to. 20 pages, 1 folded copperplate. Contemporary boards covered with brocade paper.

First and only edition. Very rare treatise on the famous ivory anatomical eye by Stephan Zick (1639-1715), who was one of the greatest ivory sculptors of the 17th century.  He became recognized across Europe for his incredible skill and ingenuity in the field. Zick came from a family of Ivory turners in Germany and is most recognized for making anatomical models of pregnant women and of model eyes. His life size eye models were widely celebrated. The eyes are complete with removable pieces, which fit into an eye socket and sit upon an ivory stand. Medical students used the models to study the structure of the eye. The anatomical models by Zick were made as luxurious Wunderkammer objects and today they are highly sought after by collectors. Zick’s anatomical models of pregnant women appear on the market from time to time but his anatomical eye models are very rare.

We couldn’t locate any auction record of the present treatise for the last 50 years. Worldcat lists only 6 copies in libraries worldwide.

VD17 1:090975U. Bircher B 14213.
